
Monday 31 October 2016

The slow burning candle

Sanatan Sanstha and its long-term goal

Burn them on both sides, this is the strategy of Sanatan Sanstha. It has time on its side and hence it starts slowly and steadily. A perfect way to ensure that the results are permanent, or rather, long lasting. This is a two-fold strategy, attract people towards the Sanstha on one part and create differences in their personal life. At a point in time, the person in question – that’s me, will see only one way out of the situation that is created and run away to one of the ashrams. Broken dreams and broken relationships
Done very subtly and with extreme finesse, I did not realise what was happening. How did my loving family suddenly change colours and started opposing me? Why and when did they become demons and evil spirits?
Now I realise, they did not change, they remained the same. Became more confused and concerned about me. The change happened in me, I was changed by Sanatan Sanstha. It did not happen overnight, took some years to happen. But the effect was so deep, I thought that the world was against me, against my guru – yes, the one and only one Dr. Jayant Balaji Athavale; a hypnotherapist par excellence, against Sanatan Sanstha and also against Hindu Dharma. My mind was being manipulated by them, they had gained control of my mind to such an extent that I was brainwashed, a zombie. Ready to do what they wanted, when they wanted and in the manner that they wanted.
I should have heeded the warning signals, I should have listened to my parents, my in-laws and my husband. My daughter also tried to tell me, she has learning disabilities but apart from them she is very sensitive and loves me with her heart, her pure heart.

Slow and steady:

Slow poison is said to be the most dangerous. We do not realise that we are being poisoned, we may even drink it thinking that it is nectar. Sanatan Sanstha dishes out such type of slow poison. I drank it thinking that it was nectar.
The start is slow. They talk about Hindu Dharma – Sanatan Dharma
Get the link, the name is the key. They associate Sanatan Dharma with Sanatan Sanstha. Only the name is common, calling somebody Krishna does not make him Shri Krishna, does it...
They talk about the need to defend Hindu Dhrama from attacks taking place from all sides. 99% Hindus will agree to this, Sanatan Sanstha is aware of it. They publish daily articles in their dailies, weeklies and monthly newsletters. It is published very prominently on their website. They repeat it every day during their satsangs and dharmavargs. Topics are all generalised. A small attack is given communal feel. Issues like Kashmir are touched upon. They do not go into any deep details, they don’t have such details. They raise an issue for the sake of it. They don’t allow any questions to be asked, they cannot be questioned, they are above questioning. 
They are the Sanatan Sanstha, they are Sanatan Dharma they cannot be questioned. If I question them, I am not a true Hindu.

The die is cast.

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