I have a very tight schedule at
Sanatan Ashram Ramnathi. This leaves me little time to speak with my family; I
am so tired sometimes that I cannot even respond to their phone calls. My
husband is very understanding. The fights we had early on have now given way to
some civilised conversation; I still need him to provide for money, clothes and
other essentials of life. Though others think that I have taken Sannyas, I
still live a life of Grishta ashram and follow the practises of Sanatan Sanstha.
The only difference is that I live in an ashram and don’t have any
responsibilities towards my family, my responsibility is only towards my Guru,
Dr Jayant Athavale.
Deep Hurt

The H-bomb and my numbness
One day while waiting for a bus
back to Sanatan Ashram Ramnathi, I run into an old acquaintance staying near my
parent’s house. On seeing me, he tries to turn away, but I run after him. I
must speak to him; I have to speak to him. Why does he have to run away? Have I
done something wrong? I am doing good work, I am promoting Sanatan Dharma, what
is wrong about it?
After exchanging niceties, he
again tries to dodge me. He avoids my searching eyes; he is hiding something
from me.
I finally muster enough courage
to ask him about my parents. I accuse them of being insensitive and uncaring.
He flinches and then becomes angry, very angry. He shouts at me. I am shocked.
His wife takes me on one side and asks me softly when was the last time I spoke
to my parents.
I know something is wrong,
something is seriously wrong.
Her next words are more
shattering; they ring in my ears; they still do after so many years.
She tells me that soon after I
left, my father suffered from a paralytic stoke and his entire left side has
been affected. He cannot speak or he refuses to speak.
I am devastated, shocked and
numbed. I search for words but find none.
They leave immediately without
answering any further questions. I am also not in the condition to ask any more
I am drained, all my life juices
have flown out of me.
Like a robot, I reach Sanatan
Ashram Ponda.
Why me? What have I done wrong?
Why should I be punished like this?
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