
Sunday, 6 November 2016

The Journey So Far

I encounter Sanatan Sanstha

How did I encounter Sanatan Sanstha? I am a spiritual person and always believed that I had a higher purpose in life. I always felt and still feel that Hindu samaj is under attack and Hindu Dharma or Sanatan Dharma is being targeted by everyone, irrespective of caste, creed, gender or religion. I am brought up in a metro and cosmopolitan city and move to a small town after marriage. Marriage, particularly a Hindu marriage, comes with its set of restrictions.
I think I first encountered Sanatan during one of the religious gatherings. They put up their stalls at such places. I was attracted to it and I must have purchased some of their publications and products. I also must have given my contact details there.
What I remember very distinctly is their first contact. A phone call from a woman invited me to their satsang. I was expecting a hall full of people but was surprised at the very small presence. The topic is not relevant (I don’t remember it…) but I lost interest and wandered off. There was a small exhibition area and I was going through their activities and various publications. A sadhak approached me and offered to explain the mission of Sanatan Sanstha.

The Zeal of Sanatan Sanstha

He was very passionate about the sanstha and its mission and various activities. I interrupted him and commented on the small presence. This was the opening he was searching for. We are taught to take advantage of such issues. We are taught by Dr Jayant Athavale to turn our disadvantages into our advantages.
The sadhak immediately launched into a tirade against all non-believers, he said that Hindus are a divided lot, they are divided by the politicians and the media. They are not allowed to become one; because if we become one we will become the greatest strength on earth and nobody can dominate us, nobody can dictate to us. Everyone is afraid of us and they want to keep us under their feet.
True, but this was about Hindus, what about Sanatan Sanstha?
Another opening and another tirade.
He now equates Sanatan Sanstha with Hindus. Without a single pause, he continues to explain the mission of Dr Jayant Athavale. The mission is the establishment of the Hindu Rashtra by 2023 based on the principles of Sanatan Dharma. He goes on about the atrocities heaped upon Sanatan, shows me various articles in the media and explains that they are targeting Hindu Dharma and Sanatan Sanstha.
I am not very convinced but still he has managed to create a doubt in my mind. A doubt that will be explored in future by the sanstha. An opening has been made and I have been marked by them.

They say that the first impression is the last impression; I beg to differ. Impressions are created over time. Your impressions can be manipulated over time by skilled persons like Dr Jayant Athavale and his band of followers. People who have studied human psychology can manipulate people like me to meet their selfish ends.

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