
Wednesday 2 November 2016

Sanatan Sanstha Creates Fissures

My family and Sanatan Sanstha

Sanatan Sanstha has succeeded in creating fissures in my family. I have started lying to my husband out rightly. I have learnt to justify this flagrant violation of the trust by thinking that the outcome justifies all lies. My husband notices the changes happening in me. He is worried, confused and also feels betrayed. He opposes the sanstha. He tries to counsel me many times. But I am smarter than he thinks I am. I know that I cannot win any argument with him as he is logically correct. But, I have a smart bomb on my side; it has been given by the sanstha. They have identified a key weakness in my husband. He used to get angry when during arguments I used to walk out of the room. It was as if I rejected his arguments and him. They coached me to use this weakness to make him angry. They said that this proved that he was against Hindu Dharma; he was against   Sanatan Dharma. He was a nastik, he did not believe in God. I fell for this psychological trick.

Broken Dreams and Broken Relationships.

I used the smart bombs very effectively. Little did I realise that I was destroying the relationship. Little did I realise that Sanatan Sanstha was controlling my mind and using it against my family.

My loving husband; my biggest enemy

Our relationship started rapidly deteriorating. My husband always used to accompany me everywhere, I used to call him my driver and he never minded it. He used to praise me in front of all his friends; used to praise my nature and spiritual affinity. He used to drive me to all my functions. We used to go on long drives whenever I was in the mood. We had our fights; most couples do fight.
Sanatan Sanstha changed the relationship forever (I still hope it is not forever – he is even today my pillar of strength though we are divorced). They drove the cracks in deeper and deeper and made them wider and wider. We lost trust of each other, any small issue became a full-blown fight. I would not budge from my stand and would leave the room just to spite him and he would blow his fuse. I started neglecting the house and avoiding household chores. My darling daughter, already with learning disabilities, was deeply affected.

But I was not bothered. Sanatan was inside my head; Sanatan Sanstha had taken control of my life. I was a puppet in their hands, to be used as they deemed fit.

Broken dreams and Broken Relationships.

1 comment:

  1. May time and love heal your Broken Dreams and Broken Relationships. Stay strong!
